Your Call Has Been Forwarded To An Automatic Voice Message System. What does it mean?
A frustrating experience in the age of instant communication is when you make an important call and find yourself being prompted, “Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system.”
As you were hoping to speak directly to someone, you were redirected to a digital assistant that recorded your message.
All of us have been there, and we wonder why things happen the way they do and how we can get through them.
Here are some tips on how to leave a concise and effective voicemail, as well as some reasons why your calls may be forwarded to the automatic voice message system.
In today’s fast-paced world, it is crucial to be able to leave a voicemail, whether you’re a business professional trying to reach a client or simply calling a friend.
Now let’s uncover the secrets of making the most out of automated voicemails.
What Is Automatic Voice Message System And How Does It Work?
Using an automatic voice message system, a list of contacts will receive a prerecorded voice message.
In an automatic voice message system, telephone numbers are input in bulk, usually from a computer drive or database, for purposes like marketing, customer service, emergency alerts, and reminders.
When a human response is detected, the system either plays a prerecorded message or connects the dialed party to an available agent, depending on whether a bank of telephone lines was used.
A verbal or keypad command can also be used by the system to allow recipients to interact with the message using interactive voice response (IVR) technology.
It is possible, for example, to ask recipients to confirm an appointment, opt out of future calls, or transfer to a live representative by pressing a number.
Businesses can benefit from an automated voice message system by saving time and money, increasing customer satisfaction and engagement, and improving communication efficiency.
There are, however, some drawbacks to an automated voice message system, including potential legal issues, customer irritation, and technical problems.
Therefore, a business should use an automatic voice message system carefully and responsibly, following the best practices and regulations for voice messaging.
Here are some web search results I found for you that can help you better understand automatic voice message systems.
How To Setup Voicemail On My Phone?
The voicemail feature is not enabled by default on most phones. You can enable it manually by following the steps below:
On Android
Android 6.0, aka Marshmallow, brought voicemail to Android devices. In order to use voicemail on Android, your device must be running Android 6.0.
The majority of phones have voicemail at the moment, unless they’re very old devices from 2015 or earlier.
To set up voice mail on your Android phone, follow these steps:
- On your phone, open the Dialer (or Phone) app.
- Go to Settings by tapping the three dots in the top right corner.
- On this screen, you will see the Voicemail option; tap it to access it.
- Select Advanced Settings from the menu.
- Select Setup from the menu.
- The Voicemail number can be accessed by tapping on it.
- To set up voicemail, you will need to enter the number.
- After you have completed the form, click OK.
On iPhone
The iPhone introduced voicemail in iOS 12 and you need iOS 12 or later to use it. Below we show you how to set up your iPhone’s voicemail:
- Your iPhone’s Phone app should now be open.
- At the bottom right corner, tap on the Voicemail icon.
- The Set Up Now option will appear; tap it.
- The next step is to set up your password. Enter your password and tap on Done to complete the process.
- Tap on Done after entering your password and confirming it.
- Next, you will need to configure the greeting. There are two options here:
- Default- Selecting this option will send the caller to voicemail after they hear the default greeting.
- Customer – Choose this option to have the caller hear the greeting that you have recorded. You will have to record your own greeting if you choose this option.
- By the time you have completed this process, your device will be set up with Voicemail.
With iOS 17’s new voicemail feature, you’ll be able to listen to live transcriptions of voicemail messages while they’re being recorded.
Why Are My Calls Getting Forward To An Automatic Voice Message System?
Your call may be routed to an automated voice message system for one of the following reasons:
- Your call has been rejected by the person you are trying to reach.
- Whether it’s DND, silent mode, or not answering your call, you go unnoticed.
- The call will also be forwarded if the person’s phone has been turned off or if an airplane has been turned on.
- The ability to forward calls to telemarketers and job seekers is a popular feature in many businesses.
In immediate call forwarding, the call will be automatically forwarded to voicemail without any ring time.
In addition to unanswered and rejected calls, users can set up call forwarding for unanswered calls. In other words, the call will be forwarded if the person ignores it or rejects it.

It can mean that the person has blocked you if the call immediately goes to voicemail without a ring.
It is, however, possible that their phone is turned off, they have turned on airplane mode, or they don’t have their SIM card in their phone if they receive a voice prompt stating ‘The number you’re trying to call is currently switched off’ before being forwarded to voicemail or automatic voice message.
A few ringings followed by a voice prompt saying, ‘The person you are trying to call is currently busy,’ then the call is forwarded to voice mail, indicates the person has declined your call.
How do you know if your call has been forwarded?
Using call forwarding, you can redirect incoming calls from one phone number to another. You can use it to consolidate devices, avoid roaming fees, and put calls to voicemail, for example.
It is important to note that your cell phone model, operating system, and carrier may affect how you set up call forwarding.
Here are some steps to follow:
>> If you have an Android phone,
- open the Phone app and select the menu icon (⋮).
- You can then select Calling accounts under Settings.
- Select the SIM or eSIM associated with the number you wish to forward calls from.
- You can forward calls by selecting Call forwarding.
- Call forwarding is available in four different methods: Always forward, When busy, When unanswered, and When unreachable.
Once you have selected a method, you will be asked to enter a forwarding number.
>> Go to Settings and Phone if you have an iPhone.
Call Forwarding should be an option that you can toggle on or off.
You need to have cellular service through a GSM network in order to take advantage of this.
>> For instructions on different types of phones, consult your user manual or contact your carrier.
If you are having trouble finding your phone model or call forwarding, try searching online.
You can try the following methods to determine whether your call was forwarded:
Check your phone’s SIM card.
SIM cards are small chips that store your phone number and other information. GSM phones use SIM cards, while CDMA phones do not.
If your phone has a SIM card slot or a removable SIM card, it is likely a GSM phone.
This test, however, is not conclusive because some newer phones may also have SIM cards that are compatible with both CDMA and GSM.
How to fix ‘The Person You Are Calling Knows You Are Waiting’ message?
Check your phone’s settings.
Depending on your phone model and operating system, you might see a category called MEID, ESN, or IMEI in the About section of your phone’s settings.
When you see an IMEI number, then your phone is a GSM phone. If you see a MEID or ESN number, then your phone is a CDMA phone.
If you see both, then your phone supports both GSM and CDMA.
Check your phone’s model number.
It is also possible to find out what network technology your phone uses by looking up its model number online.
You can find your phone’s model number in the About section of your phone’s settings, or on the back or inside of your phone.
To find your phone’s model and network type, search the web.
If your phone is a GSM phone, you can dial *#62# on your phone to check if your call is being forwarded.
This will display the number that your calls are being forwarded to, if any. If your phone is a CDMA phone, you may need to contact your carrier for information about checking call forwarding.
You can also try calling your own number from another phone to see if it rings or goes to voicemail.
It can be frustrating not to reach a live person, gratifying to be able to leave a message, and sometimes stressful to know what to say.
However, it’s an essential element of modern communication, so we can’t avoid it.
It has been our goal to shed some light on why your call might be forwarded to an automatic voicemail system and share some useful tips for leaving voicemails that are effective and concise.
When direct communication isn’t possible, voicemails are a powerful method of conveying your message.